
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Motivational Monday

28 July -3 August 2019

1. Quilt last test quilt
It is quilted and bound.

2. Work on Food embroidery blocks
finishing up the HST for the final part of the blocks.
2 more columns to complete

Found the missing container that had things from the last trip.

4. Test Quilt
Top Completed
Need to find backing and quilt it.

5. Baby Clothing quilt

4 -10 August 2019

1. Clemens T-shirt #2 quilts to be done by mid-August

2. Clemens T-shirt #1 quilts to be done by mid-August
Stabilized, cut out, sashing cut and ready to go.
Backing picked out.

3. Food embroidery should be done mid-August.
I’ll be taking on the trip.
I am making lots of HST right now.

4. Baby Clothing quilt done by mid-August/September.
I’ll be taking on the trip.
108 – 16 patches needed.
32 done / 76 to go.


6. 4 guild quilts

7. Lana's quilt

8. Pillowcases

9. Coasters

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