
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Charity Bags

Friends attend the Grange quilting group, and I've been trying to get there, but timing has been off.
But, they are making these bags for the Amiga Ministries and I decided I'd make 2 for them.
Even if I don't get there, Lana will take them for me.

I spent most of the morning picking up and cleaning.
the studio is vacuumed and things are put away.
Of course, there is always more to do, but it is better than it was.

I'm transitioning into doing something else.

I'll take the T-shirt quilt with me and finish the binding while waiting on DD.
We need to take care of some of the financial things today.
She is done with classes at 330, so we will have to make it quick.

I'm working on the baby clothing quilt, but I need something else to do at the same time.

As it is, I have lots of long arming to do.
1. Test quilt
2. CIL
3. CIL
4. charity quilt
5. charity quilt
6. charity quilt
7. charity quilt
8. Habitat for Humanity
9. Habitat for Humanity

The charity quilts are about 5 hours of work.

I'm not sure how big the CIL quilts are.

The Test quilt is a large lap size, so not too big.

The Habitat for Humanity ones are larger ones.

I don't have any real plans for the weekend, so I'll be quilting along.

I also want to pull the new UFOs from the challenges and 

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