
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Small group & other things

I apologize if I'm not posting enough, but life is BUSY!

I have so many blessing and two of them are keeping me hopping. :)

Then, my commitments have all come together and I have too many things that need my attention right now.

I'm sewing 8-10 hours a day, which is great, but tiring.
It is wearing me out.

I'm trying to stay off the computer more and getting other things done.

Then, house things come to play and we have to get the hot water heater inspected after it was replaced, get a new screen/storm door because the other one is falling apart, get a new entry door to the garage because it is falling apart too, then the garage door opener is acting up, not to mention the plumbing.
I thought things were supposed to come in threes....that is more than 3.

But, knowing that I have to take time for myself, I did go to my small group and it was very helpful to me mentally.

Debbie was working on preparing her hand applique project. 
Her colors are soooo pretty.
She put a few together so we would see how nice they will be when assembled.

Lana was working on her Tutti Frutti. 
She has the piecing done and is assembling it.
They are so pretty and each one so different with the fabric chosen. 

I was working on my baby clothing and a test quilt.
I can't show you the test quilt, but I got 4 of the baby clothing blocks done.
The blocks are about half done on the test quilt.
The 4 blocks added to what I had done are on my design wall.

Today I'm working on the rest of the stabilizing.
When I get tired of stabilizing, I'll sew more pieces together and work on the HST for the food embroidery blocks.

I'll be working all day on these things and trying to sew like the wind.

So many things to be done in August.

1. Quilt previous test quilt and get it ready to take on the trip a week from Sunday to bind in the car.
2. Test quilt to be done by the 10th
3. Food embroidery should be done mid August.
4. Baby Clothing quilt done by mid August.
5. 2 Clemens T-shirt quilts to be done by mid August
6. 2009 NYE Mystery to be done by end of August.

There are other things that in the works, but I'm not focusing on them right now.

Add to that DD is moving into the apartment by the third week in August.

I think my August is going to be way busy.

I have stopped reading most emails because of my stress level.
I give myself a few minutes of a break and that is when I'm doing computer stuff.

Wish me luck.

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