
Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sad experience

I just need to talk about something here. 
It's not to be political and it makes me sad. 

I hate to think that our world is so closed off that they can not support those around them, anyone. 

I hate to think that businesses take political sides. 
They may believe that what they are doing is for the best, but by taking a political side, you are excluding those that do not believe as you do. 

I believe every individual has the right to believe and support those politicians they wish to. 
I don't think that business should do that. 

I was sad today when I found out that a site was completely pushing one side of their membership away because of the personal belief of someone in charge.
I won't support a business that is in that mode.
I was looking forward to enjoying a crafting experience with other crafters, but that won't happen if there is a company wishing to divide us.

I have many friends who are on the opposite side of the political environment.
I don't agree with most of their political views.
I do believe we have good relationships in the crafting aspect of our world.
Just because we don't agree politically doesn't mean we can't be friends or can't enjoy quilting or other crafts together.

It just makes me sad to know a business is trying to influence to the point that they push people away.

I'm not going to state which company this was, so please don't ask.

I will ask that if you put anything on the blog, please encourage instead of divide.
If someone does post something politically divisive, I will delete the post.

Let's all learn to get along and stop taking political sides to the extreme.
Be happy and quilt on.


  1. Judy Laquidara, who blogs over at also wrote about the "new reality" over at Ravelry.

    It is so sad that businesses are taking sides. . .they are only causing further division in our country.

    I have always felt that everyone can do what they want as long as they don't try to force me to think/feel/act the way they do if I do not agree.

    Unfortunately it seems that "special interests" don't think that way.

    Guess I am just going to disconnect from "social" media and crawl back under my rock. Goodness knows that I have enough craft and quilting supplies and patterns to keep me going for at least the next 100 years!

  2. Here's what I wrote to Ravelry....

    "It is such a shame that you have caused controversy over the blanket policy of politics on your website. As an Australian who loves the site for crafting, I was astonished to find such vehement political views on your site. I do not understand all of USA politics anymore than an American would understand Aussie politics. People can have their own views, but you don't want people on the other side of the world from other countries to be leaving you because they are finding politics instead of the craft they love when they log in. For me, personally, it's about the craft, not the politicians - we have enough political idiots taking up valuable space on news bulletins without them invading our crafting peace."

    Our craft is our escape and downtime from other issues. Let's keep crafting and enjoy our own peace.

    Andrea xxx
