
Monday, June 10, 2019

Motivational Monday

2-8 June 2019

1. Mug Rug

2. Baby clothing quilt stabilized
I'm working on this, but it takes so much time.

Decided to use the boxes from all around us and found many things that were donated.
Used the concept to go through the craft closet one shelf/drawer at a time.
Donated loads of boxes of craft items and now have a clean closet of the things we will actually use.
I can find what I need too.
  4.  Quilt CIL
5. Quilt guild charity quilts

6. Quilt Majhongg

7. Postcards (Unicorn Favorite Dessert, Window, Lottery)

8. Table decoration for reunion

9. Keep up with the Marvelous mini mystery

9-15 June 2019

1. Mug Rug

2. Baby clothing quilt stabilized


4.  Quilt CIL

5. Keep up with the Marvelous mini mystery

6. Quilt Majhongg

7. Postcards (Unicorn Favorite Dessert, Window, Lottery, Bicycle)

8. Table decoration for reunion 1/20 done

9. Class topper

10. Madam Mim

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