
Friday, April 19, 2019


I finally got my camera to download to my computer.
So, let's see if I can update what I have been doing while the computer has been misbehaving.
This is that old quilt that I had that I finally quilted and bound.
I don't seem to have the finished quilt photo, so I need to take one soon.
Quilted the 4 guild charity quilts.

I've been cutting out a test quilt that is large.
It's been taking lots of time.

My redwork UFO top is done
I still need to quilt and bind it 
My landscape post card was a bluebonnet on a green field.
Bluebonnets are now gone, but they were gorgeous.
It was a fun card to make.

I am still working on the framed 4 patch blocks
I don't like the fabric I had in with these blocks, so I bought a fuchsia color for alternate blocks.
I am working to get all the blocks done and trimmed then will decide if they will be on point of not.

The baby clothing quilt #2 is coming along
This one has more that do not need to be stabilized, so that is one less step.
I'm about ready to start sewing them together to begin the block process.

I'm still doing WITB.
I found patterns, fabric, felt and of course paperwork.
I've been dealing with all that as I do a bag or box.

With the studio challenge being paper this month, I might actually make some progress.

I'll try to stay updated on the blog, but life has been crazy lately.
Seems to me that being retired has not slowed my days down any.
But, as long as I'm having fun, I think it is a good thing.

Off to do something in this studio and maybe take an item off my to do list.

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