
Monday, April 29, 2019

Motivational Monday

1-7 April 2019

Motivational Monday's List -
May 10. Patriotic Quilt

5. DD's T-shirt Quilt
6. Family Tree (Applique Tree with my folks clothing as leaves)
7. Pillows from orphan blocks
8. Vacation quilt
9. Zippered bags
11. Fall Embroidery Blocks
12. Food Embroidery blocks

1. Work on UFOs on the design wall.

2. Work on baby clothing quilt


Been finding more things to be filed in the boxes.
One box has lots of HST in it and I found some red/white and blue/white ones to use in the patriotic sampler.

4. Quilt a QOV

It's even bound.

5. Work on framed 4 patches

8 - 14 April 2019
15 -21 April 2019
22 - 28 April 2019

I've had weeks of computer problems that are not finished yet, but I have my laptop.
I decided to just update this one and go from here....

Motivational Monday's List -
May 10. Patriotic Quilt

5. DD's T-shirt Quilt
6. Family Tree (Applique Tree with my folks clothing as leaves)
7. Pillows from orphan blocks
8. Vacation quilt
9. Zippered bags
11. Fall Embroidery Blocks
12. Food Embroidery blocks

1. Work on UFOs on the design wall.

Framed 4 patch UFO
Patriotic pieces is moving along.

2. Pincushions
3. QOV

4. Guild charity quilts

5. Needle case
Outside with all the bluebonnets.             Inside with needle holders

6. Test Quilt

7. Baby clothing quilt

I found some wonderful things in the bags this time, fabric, patterns, books....
I have all the filing done as of this point.

29 April - 5 May 2019

1. Test Quilt
These are the colors, since I can't show the quilt.
Love that print.

2. Quilt CILs

3. Quilt QOV

4. Guild charity quilts

5. Mug Rug

6. Pink and black pincushion

7. Baby clothing quilt stabilized


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