
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Weekend Progress

I'm not totally sure how much time I will have, but here is a list.

1. Triangle pincushion
I just need to sew the closing shut.

2. Backing for Woodsy Wonder
Found and ready to quilt.
It is in the que.

3. Quilt 4 patch wonderful
I used leftover binding to bind this little one.
Everything from my stash.
Bound it on the way to and back from lunch

4. Load TQPM Quilt
Can't show the front, but it is quilted and ready to bind.

5. Quilt Guild Challenges - DSM
Decided to bind some quilts inistead of doing the challenge. :(

6. Find backing for Tammy's Quilt
Backing found

7. Quilted a guild quilt too.
this was not on my list for the weekend, but it and 3 others need to be quilted by next Friday.

8. Finished binding on CIL too.

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