
Monday, March 25, 2019

Motivational Monday

18-24 March 2018

Motivational Monday's List -

5. DD's T-shirt Quilt
6. Family Tree (Applique Tree with my folks clothing as leaves)
7. Pillows from orphan blocks
8. Vacation quilt
9. Zippered bags
10. Patriotic Quilt
11. Fall Embroidery Blocks
12. Food Embroidery blocks

This is spring break and we are out of town for 4 days.
So, I expect not much is going to be happening.

1. Trim bonus HST
Lots trimmed and lots more to trim.

2.Organizational Challenge
Organize some computer files

3. Digitize on tablet

4. Sort miscellaneous quilt parts into usable groups
Lots of baggies with parts in them.
I now will need to figure out how to use them.

5. Work on hand quilting projects.
This didn't work in the truck because it was too bouncy.
I could barely read, so a needle was a no go.

Instead, I quilted these quilts when I came home.

Finished the binding on these two.

25-31 March 2018

Motivational Monday's List -

5. DD's T-shirt Quilt
6. Family Tree (Applique Tree with my folks clothing as leaves)
7. Pillows from orphan blocks
8. Vacation quilt
9. Zippered bags
10. Patriotic Quilt
11. Fall Embroidery Blocks
12. Food Embroidery blocks

1. Finish bindings on my quilt

2. Finish quilting Harry Loves Alice

3. Work on baby clothing quilt

4. Quilt Beverli's quilt

5. Work on UFOs on the design wall.


7. Clean up thread drawers

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