
Friday, March 22, 2019

Motivational Monday

11-17 March 2018

Motivational Monday's List -
5. DD's T-shirt Quilt
6. Family Tree (Applique Tree with my folks clothing as leaves)
7. Pillows from orphan blocks
8. Vacation quilt
9. Zippered bags
10. Patriotic Quilt
11. Fall Embroidery Blocks
12. Food Embroidery blocks

1. Continue to cut baby girl clothing squares

 Had two of my bags that I sometimes use to go through my purse, the car, etc.
This one had lots of magazines and fun things in it, along with filing.
I found all the items DD got from all over on for her Gold Award.
Just one of the letters.
Seems I'm having some trouble with my camera. :(

I actually finished all the filing in the container by my chair.
Everything is filed.
I do have my lists that I need to figure out how to arrange them so they are not clutter, but can be seen to be worked on.
That will be when we return from Dallas.

Generally my flat surfaces are not ones to stay empty.
Why? Who knows.
I would like us to work on the flat surfaces this week.
Show before and after photos.

I've been working on the flat surfaces, but when I think I have one cleared off, I find that I put more stuff on it. ;(
I have not idea why I can't let a flat surface be empty.
I'll have to work on that through the year.

4. Quilt a Charity Quilt (CIL, NBAQG & QOV)
NBAQG charity quilts

At guild meeting this weekend, I picked up 4 more to do.

5. Bind the waiting quilts
CIL binding finished

Bind TQPM Test Quilt
Done, it is in the wash ready for sending off to my cousin for a charity event.

6. Quilt Woodsy Wonder Quilts
Didn't get to it with all the other things to get ready for a vacation.

7. Guild Challenges

18-24 March 2018

Motivational Monday's List -

5. DD's T-shirt Quilt

6. Family Tree (Applique Tree with my folks clothing as leaves)

7. Pillows from orphan blocks

8. Vacation quilt

9. Zippered bags

10. Patriotic Quilt
11. Fall Embroidery Blocks
12. Food Embroidery blocks

This is spring break and we are out of town for 4 days.
So, I expect not much is going to be happening.

1. Trim bonus HST

2.Organizational Challenge
Organize some computer files

3. Digitize on tablet

4. Sort miscellaneous quilt parts into usable groups

5. Work on hand quilting projects.


  1. Good morning!

    I don't often comment but I enjoy looking at your blog... thanks for sharig!

    question for today ,.. #4 QOV pattern? At first glance I thought it was disappearing 9 patch but enlarged I see that it is not... Does it have a pattern name or is it your own design?

    warm quilt hugs, sue in CA

  2. I'm sorry, I just quilted it, so I don't know the pattern name.
