
Friday, March 1, 2019

Accountability update for Friday

I don't have "plans" for the next 3 days.
That doesn't mean there isn't something to do around the house, but not going anywhere that I know of yet.
So, I thought I'd post what I'm working on so I can be accountable.

Well, with no plans, DH decided we need to go to the Salt Lick for BBQ and pick up his Christmas present.
Yes, it is March, but my DH knows what he wants and doesn't care how long it takes to get JUST what he wants. LOL
So we left at 1 and got back around 7.
So much for all day in the studio.
But, the time I spent was well done.

DONE 1. Test blocks
They are tested, the report sent in.

2. Test quilt
Lots of HST and I have been cutting, pressing and trimming them.
Still more to go tomorrow.

I can't show the clear photos of these blocks, but they are fun.

3. Triangle pincushion for monthly pincushion swap

4. Put fabric away 

5. Load and quilt CIL
Batting is cut and ready to load.

DONE 6. Do some computer updates
Finished the monthly clean up on the computer.

7. Stabilize some of the girl baby clothing

8. Finish QOV top
The first border with the flying geese is on.
Now to get the last border on, find backing and get it ready to quilt.

9. St Patrick's Day postcards

10. St Patrick's Day coasters

11. Guild challenge
I have some of the guild challenge done. 
it is the one on the right. 

The one on the left, including this photo
is what side tracked me.
This is a UFO with green embroidered red work and the 4 patch wonderful, which is my UFO #3.
I decided to put them together and see what I could make happen.
it won't be large, but it will be a fun quilt.
I'll update at tomorrow end of day.

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