
Saturday, March 2, 2019

Accountability for Saturday


2. Test quilt
Lots of HST and I have been cutting, pressing and trimming them.
Still more to go tomorrow.

I can't show the clear photos of these blocks, but they are fun.
I'm still working on these and hope to get them done tomorrow.

3. Triangle pincushion for monthly pincushion swap

4. Put fabric away 
I started putting it away and then needed to get more out, so this is still on-going.

5. Load and quilt CIL
Batting is cut and top is loaded.

7. Stabilize some of the girl baby clothing

8. Finish QOV top

9. St Patrick's Day postcards

10. St Patrick's Day coasters

11. Guild challenge
I have some of the guild challenge done. 
Starting to put the rows together on the table runner.
The rest of the stuff are leftovers and I'm trying to determine what I'm going to do with them.
I think one will be a pillow.
I might get another table runner out of them.

DONE 12. Stashbuster UFO Challenge 
This still needs to be quilted, but not this weekend.

I was sidetrack by DD needing some help.
It's great to help her, even though I had things I wanted to do. :)

I'll update at tomorrow end of day.

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