
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

what a week

Normally when a start a post with "what a week" it means I've had a great week.
Not so much so far.
I started last Saturday with a cough, a really bad one.
Mold was high, so I just thought it was allergies until I knew it wasn't.
Sunday I slept for 13.5 hours (according to my fitbit).
I am still coughing and have little energy.

Yesterday, I did bring the test block down to work on, but didn't get very far.
I pulled fabric for a test quilt.
I'll have to figure out if they are good choices or not.
I made a mess while doing it and couldn't clean it up, so I went to bed.
Today's challenge will be to get this stuff organized to be put away.
Would be wonderful if I could organize and put away, but who knows if that is going to happen.

No long arm quilting this week as of yet.

Most of my 15 minutes in the studio has been on the computer, pulling fabric or putting together those danish hearts.

I did work on my desk while I was sitting here, so I've organized a bit more too.

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