
Monday, February 11, 2019

Motivational Monday

Not a great week because I was so ill.
I'm doing better, so this week should work well for me.
We've had some amazing sunsets with all the clouds.

4-10 February 2019

Motivational Monday's List -

5. DD's T-shirt Quilt
6. Family Tree (Applique Tree with my folks clothing as leaves)
7. Pillows from orphan blocks
8. Vacation quilt
9. Zippered bags
10. Patriotic Quilt
11. Fall Embroidery Blocks
12. Food Embroidery blocks

I found my pens I've been looking for.
I've found the zippers to finish up a couple of small bags.
I filed paperwork.
I still have a tote that has some filing in it, and it is sitting next to the desk, so maybe it will empty a little at a time.

3. Organizational Challenge 
Is there a place in your studio which is bothering you?

What can you do to make it better?
Yes, I'm going to say let's do this one again.

I've worked on it, and I thought it was better, but now I'm not sure. LOL
The banker's box will be there until taxes are done.
The tote holds projects.
I will just have to play around and see how I can make it look better and usable.
So, I went and cleaned more, but DS brought a server back and had to mess things up again to put it in place. :(
anyway, once I get all that fabric put away, I think it will look nicer.

4. Work on Postcard swaps
(Hearts & Hearts, Fans, Rainbow)
Forgot the photo for the heart postcard
I've not worked on the others this week.

5. Make Color Guard bags
Finally found the zippers

6. Work on Baby Clothing quilt
Sewed a couple pieces, but still have more to go.

7. Quilt a Charity Quilt (CIL, QOV, NBAQG)
This is one of the QOVs I have to quilt.

8. Work on February UFOs
Started the bordering of the smaller pieces.

4-10 February 2019

Motivational Monday's List -

5. DD's T-shirt Quilt
6. Family Tree (Applique Tree with my folks clothing as leaves)
7. Pillows from orphan blocks
8. Vacation quilt
9. Zippered bags
10. Patriotic Quilt
11. Fall Embroidery Blocks
12. Food Embroidery blocks

1. Work on Baby clothing quilt


3. Organizational Challenge 
Put Fabric away.
Look at the piles of fabric and put the pieces where they belong.

4. Work on Postcard swaps
(Fans, Rainbow)

5. Make Color Guard bags

6.  Work on February UFOs

7. Quilt a Charity Quilt (CIL, QOV, NBAQG)

8. Work on TQPM Test Quilt

1 comment:

  1. Love that QOV, Mel ! Sorry you've been so ill. Hope you are now on the mend and have a great week ahead.
