
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Baby Clothing quilt

I don't know why this is so difficult for me to do.
I think it might be because of how heavy it is.
But, who really knows????

This is on my daughter's single sized bed.

this was my goal for the month to get this into top size.
i can't quilt it until the owner decides on the backing.
I also need to start on the girl baby clothing quilt.

Progress is progress.

this is my OMG and you can find other links here at Elm Street Quilts.


  1. This looks great. A lot like two donation quilts I've been working on forever it seems. They are fun when they're done, the making not so much sometimes!

  2. Nice and scrappy. Hope your customer decides on the backing so you can move this to the done/done pile!

  3. Fun scrappy quilt top! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  4. How fun to do a scrappy quilt with baby clothes in it. Great work.
