
Monday, January 28, 2019

Motivational Monday

21 -27 January 2019

Motivational Monday's List -

I went overboard and finished 4 items on my list of 12.
So, I guess it will depend on which item is picked for next month whether I have the month off. LOL

5. DD's T-shirt Quilt
6. Family Tree (Applique Tree with my folks clothing as leaves)
7. Pillows from orphan blocks
8. Vacation quilt
9. Zippered bags
10. Patriotic Quilt
11. Fall Embroidery Blocks
12. Food Embroidery blocks
January 1. Bread and Butter
2. Pixie Garden
3. Clemens T-shirt Quilt
4. Equessense T-shirt Quilt

1. Quilt Clemens T-shirt Quilt
It is done and delivered.

I'm working mainly in the extra bedroom because it has been piled with excess items.
Well, I had to go into the extra bedroom and move things around and go through some boxes.
Found one of the flashlights that was missing and will continue in there.
No photos because I started without taking one.
Found some jewelry DD was looking for.
Found some donation items.
Found some trash.
Found some T-shirts for DD's T-shirt quilt.
I found lots of boxes in boxes.
Tossed lots of them and only kept good storage items.
DH decided the shed needed gone through.
so, we have a pile of boxes that need to be worked through too.
His timing, not mine.
It's my desk AGAIN.
How can it get out of control so quickly?????
I need to figure out a better to have things on my desk, so I don't get so messy so quickly.
It's cleaner, and I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing that makes me let it get so messy.
This just sort of happened.
I asked the neighbor if he wanted the cafe vienna tins and he said yes for his GS troop.
So, I pulled them out and even forgot one bag full, which are now out.
But, that meant I made a mess and decided it was time to go through all the items.
Why do I have so many glass and plastic Christmas ornament balls?
Anyway, some things are being donated and some kept and organized for use.
I added in two drawers because I need to find a place for my essential oils.
I wish it would have taken the third drawer I have, but....

4. Valentines Coasters
I still have more to make, but it is a start.

5. Make Color Guard bags
I lost my zippers that I wanted to use for these.
But, I tested quilting double layers of batting and am using that for a bag.

6. Work on Baby Clothing quilt

7. Quilt a Charity Quilt (CIL, QOV, NBAQG)

8. Finish Birthday Postcards
I finished January ones, but didn't get a photo.

9. Work on Postcard swaps
(Hearts & Hearts, January Flowers, Fans, Rainbow)
Ended up not doing these, but January Flowers was cancelled.

28 January - 3 February 2019

Motivational Monday's List -

5. DD's T-shirt Quilt
6. Family Tree (Applique Tree with my folks clothing as leaves)
7. Pillows from orphan blocks
8. Vacation quilt
9. Zippered bags
10. Patriotic Quilt
11. Fall Embroidery Blocks
12. Food Embroidery blocks

1. Finish Valentines Coasters


Is there a place in your studio which is bothering you?
What can you do to make it better?
This area collects stuff. 
It is like my desk and is always a mess

4. Work on Postcard swaps
(Hearts & Hearts, Fans, Rainbow)

5. Make Color Guard bags

6. Work on Baby Clothing quilt

7. Quilt a Charity Quilt (CIL, QOV, NBAQG)

8. Work on February UFOs

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