
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Clemens T-shirt quilt

When I was starting to stabilize the shirts and arrange the show shirts (the dark ones), I realized that one of the shirts (top middle) was not the right one.
It was a shirt that was 5 years ago instead of the 4 years for the graduating seniors.
I had an extra of the correct ones (clock works show shirt) and sent a note to the booster handling it.
I also realized, after she responded, that the red shirt I had in the bottom right was not from the 4 years either.
So, she said to use the show shirt I had and she would get me another shirt tomorrow.
That is great, because I really want to get this done this month so I can do the other things slotted for the rest of the year.
I want to make sure they have it for the banquet silent auction.
I went ahead and stitched out the little SC (Samuel Clemens) cornerstones.
DD liked only having the yellow in the center of the quilt, so I need to make sure I have enough of the border to work.
We have I couple of options picked out and will wait for the center to be put together.
It feels good to make progress.
This is my Elm Street OMG.

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