
Monday, December 31, 2018

Motivational Monday

24 - 30 December 2018

1.  Make a star for Bread and Butter
Didn't even get one cut out.
I'm going to count my Christmas STUFF as a WITB because that is how it came upstairs.
I've put away all my Bath and Body Works smell good things.
I put away all my socks (it was a sock Christmas)
I have a new cross in the studio from my kiddos.
My wacom pad is downstairs with my laptop.
Lots of fun things in here and other stuff too.

I knew this was all my ex-husband's estate stuff.
Got it all organized and found a couple interesting things to work on for DS.
It is out of my studio and waiting for a spot in the extra bedroom closet.
That is another challenge.

Dust & vacuum
Vacuumed the studio

Well, I have not yet dusted everything.
Some has been done, but not all.
I have vacuumed everything and the floor looks nice
Makes me want to steam clean it.

4. Work on baby clothing quilt
Only a few more things to stabilize.

5.  Quilt Tammy's baby quilt
I used white thread and mimicked the leaf pattern.

6. Quiltville Clue #3 & 4 & 5
I don't know why I started this.
I don't have the time or desire.
I might just take the pieces I have done and put them in with the miscellaneous stuff.

7. Work on Dragon Fly Baby Quilt
two borders to put on.
I think I have a solution.

9. Project Bag for Kayenderes
Started her coasters, but not the bag yet.

10. Christmas Eve PJs
Each family member has an animal that depicts them.

DH - white tail deer                          DS - Dragon  
DD - Wolf                                    Me - Eagle
Merry Christmas!

31 December 2018 -6 January 2019

1.  Make a star for Bread and Butter


Finish something that has been hanging around a long time.
I am going to look through the things on my cabinet doors to see what I can stop hanging there.
I know I have some mending on the right.
The ones on the left are embroidery work that I don't want to do.

4. Work on baby clothing quilt

5.  Finish Fall Improv binding

6. Work on Dragon Fly Baby Quilt

7. Project Bag for Kayenderes

Hope everyone has a Happy New Year and 2019 is all that you want it to be.

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