
Monday, December 24, 2018

Motivational Monday

17-23 December 2018

1.  Your way postcards (1)
Took leftover pieces from the lanyards and made frosty.

Went though and found fabric, wrapping stuff and lots of craft items.
the container i throw all the fabrics into was more than overflowing.
it is now empty
All of this was in there.
Now I can start all over again.
Quilting, cleaning, DD and laundry room items.

What's still in the basket needs to go back to the laundry room.

Filing paper, fabric, patterns
Fabric is all put away where it belongs.
Patterns are in the drawer.
Now to get all the paper filed. 

4. Work on baby clothing quilt

5. 3 table runners
DH decided he didn't want these....

6. Quiltville Clue #3 & 4

7. Work on Dragon Fly Baby Quilt
Now to just sew it all together

9.Lanyard for DD & DS & DH

10. Test table runner
Can't show a photo of it.

11. Project Bag
Made from the project bag pattern but is like a wallet for DH

12. Quilt Tammy's baby quilt

Still need to finish.
That's the plan for today.

13. Make a star for Bread and Butter

14. Take down what is not going in the improv quilt
I like it better, but still not so much.
But, with a border, it will be just fine to finish.
The rest of the pieces are being divided to like colors and will become more UFOs.

24 - 30 December 2018

1.  Make a star for Bread and Butter


Dust & vacuum

4. Work on baby clothing quilt

5.  Quilt Tammy's baby quilt

6. Quiltville Clue #3 & 4 & 5

7. Work on Dragon Fly Baby Quilt

9. Project Bag for Kayenderes

10. Christmas Eve PJs

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