
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Saturday Football

My daughter's college has a home football game.
I am really selfie challenged.
We love halftime when the band performs.
Here is a YouTube of the half time performance.

It's a cold day here and the stands were really really cold and windy.
But, we were nice and cozy.
One already complete quilt for DS and one that needs binding for me.
What does a quilter do during a cold football game?
Bind a quilt.
This is what I had left when we departed after half time.
A better view of what was left.
It is now done.

The things that happen during football season....
DD left her band shoes at home (too long away to go and get).
So, she borrows a pair of shoes.
She wears a size 10 women's and these are a size 12 men's.
DD and DS are about the same size of shoes, and look at those.
I'm glad it was a modified shoe and she was not marching around in those and hurting herself or someone else.
Oh my.

Now to stitch out the label and get it sewn on the quilt.

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