
Monday, November 5, 2018

Organizational Challenge

I did not have the time I wanted to completely go through all the books to donate what I didn't want.
Most are probably keepers since I did this a few years ago.
some of the magazines and some of the binders need to be worked through, but overall, I put things back where they were supposed to be and it is neater and is dusted.

What should we do this week?
Well, I rolled in my chair and had a large piece of thread come with me.
Where was it from? Somewhere in the cabinet. :(

So, this week, let's manage your threads.
I have too many.
My sewing machine threads that I use to top stitch 
Embroidery threads and some of the sewing threads and bobbins.
I found more in another drawer that have not even been opened. 
More embroidery threads 
More embroidery threads that I use the most.
I like the way these shine on my stitch outs. 
Long Arm Threads.

Now, I'm not sure if I'll actually get through all of them, but this is my mess and there are thread peeking their way out of drawers.
So, let's corral those runaways and be able to use more.

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