
Monday, November 26, 2018

Motivational Monday

18-24 November 2018

I have lots on my list, but I'd rather have things I could do rather than go out on Black Friday.
DD wants to go out and I have no desire, so I think I'll suggest she and her brother go for it.
We ended up going and she says that it isn't something she wants to do yearly.

1. Organizational Challenge 
I didn't get all the thread things done a few weeks ago, and I bought new drawers for the threads in the bottom cabinet, so my challenge this week is to put thread into the new containers.
I'm putting like colors together.
What it was....
Pick something you didn't get done and work on it.
What I actually organized and ran out of room.
I really have too much blue and green thread.
Lots of variegated too. 
These bins have thread that will not fit in the other drawers.
I ordered another set.
I won't be able to fit all of the set in this area, but I think I should have enough room for the remaining threads.
I think I need to stop buying threads!
I found that I still have a couple spools of thread that don't have a home in the cabinet, so they will end up in the drawer.
I really need to use up more, so I have room.
Definitely do not need to purchase any more thread.

Most of the boxes this week have been things that just got moved around and found Christmas presents, so no photos 
I do have all the Christmas boxes and will be going through them to see what I can donate.
With the kids moving on, I really don't want to decorate the house as much.

3. Quilt CIL #13
It is also bound.

4. Continue working on baby clothing quilt

5.  Quilt a guild quilt #1
Decided to go ahead and quilt the second one. 

6. Quilting trip was cancelled
Put away all collected projects. pictures for some reason.

7. Clean Embroidery Machine
Done and replaced all the needles.

8. Winter Post cards
these are designed and stitched.
I just need to quilt and put them together.

9. Make a small dresser scarf for dorm
the two fronts 

This is the back for both of them.

25 November - 1 December 2018

1. Organizational Challenge 
OK, we've all been sewing up a storm and fabric 
My toss bin is full again.
I have unidentified fabric on the cutting table
I have unidentified fabric on my string bin.
I'm thinking this might be the backing for the old quilt. 
 I almost never pile fabric on the floor, but Christmas fabric made it there.
My pressing table has fabric on it.
I need to figure out what  is there.
So, lets put away fabric piles in your space.

3. Quilt CIL #14
4. Quilt Charity quilt #3
5. Quiltville Mystery clues (1 & 2)
6. Christmas Coasters
7. Christmas Postcards
8. Winter Postcards
9. Dee's pillow
10. Lily's pillow
11. Wolf pillow

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