
Sunday, November 11, 2018

Motivational Monday

4-10 November 2018

1. Organizational Challenge - threads
Sewing Machine Thread is wound and organized by color.
Organized again by color.
I really should try something different for the white and black threads.
Only a couple of things done in here.
I really would like a set of drawers that roll out.

Organized by color and thread wound around the spools.

I didn't get to the long arm thread, so as I use a color, I'm organize that drawer.

2. Continue to stabilize baby clothing

Mostly college student stuff, but found a lanyard I needed to repair.
It is repaired.
Found extra bags that I put where they belong until needed again.
Filing is done for all the receipts, etc.
Quilt magazines. 
I'm going to scan in the patterns I really like. 
I think there are only a couple for each magazine.
Baskets for the holidays and some Christmas presents I need to wrap.
I pulled the 3 papers (a different color for each family member that I wrap for).
Put all the pieces and parts away.

4. Quilt Lana's quilt
It's a Quillow

5. Quilt Lana's charity quilt
Quilted and bound.

11- 17 November 2018

1. Organizational Challenge - look up
sitting and surveying my studio, I find that all the challenges are down at eye level.
Well, what if this week we look up?
Above my fabric and craft closets.
What about the stuff hanging on the closets? 
Probably is filled with dust and do I want to add or change these decorations? 
I'm not sure what I want to do with this, but it could use some TLC.
So, look up and see what needs to be dealt with.

2. Quilt CIL#13
3. Finish Bobbi's quilt
5. Stabilize baby clothing

I'm also linking to GID weekly goals.

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