
Sunday, October 21, 2018

Studio clean up challenge

I have not been posting about any clean up in my studio.
I think I got off track and no one was participating with me and I just didn't follow through.
Sorry about that.
Maybe you are participating and I'm the one helping you keep things the way they are. 
So, this week someone on my Stashbusters group said she could really use the challenge. 
I'm hoping she is following me and will work along with me on what I am doing in my area.
This week, I worked on a flat surface.
Does anyone else have problems with flat surfaces collecting "stuff"?
I can't seem to keep a flat surface empty.
I'll show you my insanity.
this is a corner cabinet that seems to get more and more things.
Now it has DD's books.
Most of them are hers and some are the ones I'd like to read too.
The games are from my parent's home.
I played them when I was a kid and I can't get rid of them.
They really belong in the extra bedroom closet, but I need to clean off that shelf before they can go in there.
But, I organized it so things are a little better. 
My cutting table has a mess on it.
This is normally one of the places that things stay fairly neat.
What happened?
Life and projects.
I need to go through them and figure that out. 
the pressing table just got a new cover and it is a mess again.
I pulled the fall leftovers out of the bag and want to do a improvised piece with them.
This piece needs to be sewn together and used in the center of the improv piece.
This does not normally stay neat, and it is living up to that. 
I have extra chairs and step stools in the area.
I don't know, they just seemed to end up here.
They are flat, right?
So, why not pile things on them so no one could sit if they wanted.
Not a good way to live, but it seems to be happening that way.
So, I need to do what's in the basket and boxes and get them stored or passed on. 
Sewing machine area.
Well, the area to the left is really nice.
I've actually kept i that way for a few weeks.
That makes it nicer to sew without knocking things off.
The area to the right. OMG
It has my tools, embroidery machine tools, HST to use as leader/enders, and who knows what else.
This needs to be reviewed, cleaned and organized with only the things I want out there. 
My desk.
I was talking with a friend and she asked me what I was doing and I said cleaning off my desk.
That's what you are always doing.
Yep, that seems to be what I always do, and itis always a mess.
I don't know what I'm going to do with this mess, but it needs something that will help me keep it so I don't feel like I'm in constant chaos.

So, that is my big mess, what do you have?
Are you with me to actually clean off one of your flat surfaces this week?

1 comment:

  1. My cutting table, which is pretty big (48x60) seems to be where I stack and keep things. I do keep a good area free to actually cut, but sometimes....

    I built my studio long before I was so addicted to quilting and have more display area that functional area. But a lot of my stuff is built in so hard to change.

    Love organizational blog posts.
