
Monday, October 1, 2018

Motivational Monday

23 - 29 September 2018

1. Quilt Sparkling Sampler

I started to go through one bag, but life took over and I did not finish it.
This coming week will be better.

3. Finish Tammy's Sampler
I still need to make the log cabin blocks,
I need to finish sewing together the row of 4 patches.
II need to heat set the crayon on the panel blocks and sew that column together.
So, I made progress but did not finish.

4. Cut TQPM Test quilt
Started working on this, but the cutting is individual for the 9 blocks.
I have 6 cut and 5 sewn.
I can't show the progress because it is a test quilt.
Everything but the green is being used in the quilt.
I'm trying to use up some scraps, which I have too many of.
The top is almost together.
These are the leftover piles of fabric I used.

5. Put fabric away
Fabric is put away and I'm starting adding to it again.
These were all the scraps I had in the bin.
The bigger pieces were put away as I folded them.

6. Work on baby clothing quilt
I didn't even touch it this week. :(

7. Work on the pillow shams
They are actually ready to quilt.
I just need to load them.
8. Bind CIL #12

30 September - 6 October 2018

1. Quilt Sparkling Sampler
3. Finish Pillow Shams
4. Stabilize baby clothing
5. Quilt TQPM test quilt

1 comment:

  1. This is really helpful and beautiful. I love the fact that I’ve never seen something like that before.

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    cute Back patches
