
Monday, October 29, 2018

Design Wall

This design wall has a quilt from leftovers of Simply Woven.
I disliked the pattern because I used jelly rolls and they had the pinked edges.
Things didn't always turn out right.
Instead of the woven part, it will just have these two cuts.
It is going to a person fighting cancer. 

The red and black are for additional pillows.
I have 8 more pillow forms.
I think I have enough of them for the reason, but a few extra is OK.
This mess is all the Fall blocks that were leftover from different things. 
I am not all that good at quilts like this, but thought I'd give improve another try.
I am making HST into plying geese as a common theme on the pieces.
We shall see what becomes of it.

I'm linking to Small Quilts Doll Quilt's Design Wall Monday.

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