
Friday, August 24, 2018

Busy week

DD is away at college and there have been some bug bites happening.
I don't know what bit her, but it is something that her body does not like.
On the third bit, it went from about a nickle size to 3 times that in 12 hours.
So, after talking to the advice nurse, we went to the ER.
The bit was infected and she is on antibiotics.
It meant a trip at 10pm from about 30 minutes away.
But, I'm thankful she is OK.
The next day she was stung on her little finger by a bee.
I can't even imagine the craziness going on.
But, she is handling it well and life is going on.

Postcards seem to be my life right now.
This is the thread painting.
No, I can't say I'll do it again.
I like it on paper, but not on fabric.
I even tried to use thread to paint over it and it helped some.
DD's 2 best friends had birthdays this week and I sent these card to them.
the baby clothing quilt was on the wall, but we wanted to see how much more needed to be done on a twin bed. 
So, this is on DD's bed and it is needing just a few more rows on the one side.
That should go together fairly easily.

I need to get this bin empty or close to empty before we leave tomorrow.
Every time I think I've made progress, I add more to it. LOL

I've not accomplished much, but I am ready for vacation.

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