
Sunday, July 29, 2018

Stash report

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No changes this week.
Nothing in and nothing out.
I have a purpose for most of it, so that is a good thing.

Used this Week:                                            00.56 yards
Used year to Date:                                      117.63 yards
Total out of stash this Month (July)                -23.19 yards
Added this Week:                                            0.00 yards
Added Year to Date:                                      46.00 yards
Goal:                                                          200.00 yards
Yards to goal:                                                82.37 yards

Net Used in quilts 2018:                              95.88 yards 
A couple of other fun facts are:

Prairie Moon is doing a 350 blocks challenge this year:
Number of equivalent blocks:                  373
Perimeter in inches                               4690

Number of UFOs finished this year:            21
UFO Yardage Used                                75.66
Amount of yardage used in UFOs              79%

Number of Bobbins Used this week          3

Number of Bobbins Used this year          947
Number of Spools Used this week            0
Number of Spools Used this year            25

Kate at Life in Pieces is doing the challenge of 15 minutes of sewing.

Days of Stitching                                      75%
Number of Days this week                       2/7
Number of Days this year                       163/216

Days Organizing                                       91%
Number of Days this week                       7/7
Number of Days this year                        196/216

20 minute challenge                               25%
Number of Days this week                     2/7
Number of days this year                      7/28

The new challenge is to work on the baby clothing quilt.
I have two of them to make and need to be working on them so I can get them done.
I have this much done and have sorted some of the other pieces so I can finish up with the remaining clothing and add some to this.
I don't want it to get too big.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this month you have used almost as much as I have for the whole year up to now! That's great! And finishing 21 UFOs? Oh, my goodness, you are making a lot of progress, and staying organized, too. I'm tinted green today. =)
