
Monday, July 30, 2018

Motivational Monday

22-28 July 2018

1. Work on Postcard swaps
My embroidery machine died and I'm expecting the new one here next week.
I'll finish these up at that time.
Beach (3)
Jungle (3)
Asian (3)
Thread Painting (3)

A bag of wires.
The new phones have a different power cord.
I ended up needing a place for them to reside, so the photo on the right is all of them neatly wound together.
This bag had material and scrapbook items.
The Scrapbook items stayed in there and the rest of the items are put away. 

This mess is the corner of my studio.
It has so many things in it that I'm worn out thinking about what I need to do with them.
Besides the extra bedroom, this is the place I need to work on next.
That fabric container needs to all be put away.
To my defense, there is a large slider door curtain that I took down that needs to be put back up. LOL
I ordered curtains twice and they both came in the wrong color, so I now need to hunt for new curtains.
I need to unstitch the slider door curtain, but am waiting to see if the set I ordered from somewhere other than JCPenney will work.

Lots of extra things in here. Some files for DD's CUTCO experience, some clothing, hair items, etc.
This was a mixture of lots of different things.
Most went in the give away pile.

3. 20 minute challenge on baby clothing quilt
This is taking me longer than I wanted to get into this challenge, but I'm going to still try.

4. T-shirt pillow inserts
Might be using pillows that are body pillows for this.
Trying to work it out.

5. Irish Stars Pillow Shams

6. Quilt QOV
The backing is sewn together, batting cut and is ready to be loaded.

7. Backing for Bulls eye
Just used muslin, so it was easy to get ready.
Got it quilted.

8. Fix CIL
Ripped out all the messed up stitching and then filled it in again.

29 July - 4 August 2018

1. Work on Postcard swaps
Beach (3)
Jungle (3)
Asian (3)
Thread Painting (3)


3. 20 minute challenge on baby clothing quilt

4. Finish T-shirt pillow

5. Irish Stars Pillow Shams

6. Bind Bulls eye

7. Quilt another QOV

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