
Monday, July 16, 2018

Design Wall Monday

 I'm linking to Small Quilts Doll Quilt's Design Wall Monday
I actually have something different on my design wall.

This is the baby clothing quilt that I've been working on.
It is getting too large.
That seems to be a theme lately.
I have not gone through the remaining pieces that have been cut and only kept a few duplicate clothing.
From there I'm going to finish the stabilizing and cutting and only putting a few of one outfit into the mix for now.
then, I'll add a row on either side so they are mixed in more.
I hope I can be done with this during the summer.
This is my 20 minutes per day challenge.

The 30's Bulls Eye June UFO is coming along.
Once I start sewing, it will be easy to finish up.

The other one there is an older UFO that might just come down because it requires some small cutting and I keep putting it off.


  1. It might be too big, but that's a really great piece! I love a good postage stamp/patchwork quilt :)

  2. Your postage stamp quilt is looking good. Happy stitching this weekend.
