
Saturday, July 28, 2018

August Challenges

I joined in on quite a number of Challenges to help me focus on my UFOs and such.
I love the accountability and will keep reporting.
I'm putting them all in one post because it's easier to keep track of. 
This is the current status of the projects I've NOT completed.
This has been a rather strange year with health and motivation issues, but I've accomplished some things.
Each month I update the list and show what I've accomplished the month before.
Then, it comes off the list as DONE.
I do feel behind, but am going to just work on things until they are done.
I really need to focus on the pillows and finish them off.

 Elm Street OMG -
May - Complete at least one of the T-shirt Pillows
See July below
June - Irish Stars pillow covers
July - T-shirt pillows

This made into the body pillow.

August - Work on Baby Clothing quilt

February 1. Ann's 2006 NYE project
March  - 8. Jo's Club Teal & Brown
April - Copper & Teal Quilt
May 12. Tie One On
June - 6. Embroidery Blocks
This has come up more than once.
I have used a few, which is shown below.
I have many more to use up.
July - Under the Sea
August Chicken Makings

June - Sparkling Sampler
July - Tammy BOM
August - Hummingbirds
April - Map of Texas
May - Ann's Mystery Star (NYE?)
I can't find this in the bin, so I'm thinking it is the NYE Mystery that was drawn by stashbusters.
June - Mira Red Hat Purse
July - Miscellaneous panels
August - Christmas Squares from Carol

Scrap Attack - Going through my scrap drawers
March color is green.
That drawer is still being worked on. Lots of greens stuck in there.
May Color is Christmas
As sad as it is, I did not get anything done with my Christmas drawer. :(
But, there is always another month.
June Color is yellow.
As sad as it is, I did not get anything done with my Yellow drawer. :(
July Color is Novelty
As sad as it is, I did not get anything done with my Novelty drawer. :(
August Color is Orange

Color Challenge - 
May Color is Green.
Didn't really quilt much this month, so I didn't make anything with green.
June Color is Purple
July - Red
August - Orange

February #53 - Fall Panel 1
April #79 - Hummingbird blocks
May # 7 - Bread & Butter Stars
May #39 - Embroidery Blocks
There are many of these, so they will not easily be used up.
I used one to make a pincushion out of for a tutorial I needed to do for 12 Days of Christmas.
June #9 - 30's bulls eye blocks
The top is done, but it needs a backing and quilted.

June #92 - Miscellaneous HST
They will never be used up, but it's fun trying.
This pincushion is tiny, but uses some of the bonus HST I have laying around.
I even did a tutorial on how to make it.
July - Blue & Beige Rail Fence
Decided to make pillow covers out of them.
These will go to the Connections shelter.
July #61 - is completed
July #83 - Lisa Pillows

August #1 ApocketfulofMystery BOM (K-Z blocks)
August #129 Sparkling Sampler
August #101 Orphan Blocks

1 comment:

  1. I'll be interested to see your baby clothing quilt. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project!
