
Friday, June 8, 2018


I know I've not been around much.
Part of that is the return from vacation.

We had a great time, but the trip was tiring.
Resting up from vacation is a must. LOL

Then, it is the clean up and making sure everything is back in place.
Why does that take longer than you think?

When we arrived home, the temperatures that week were in triple digits and it was hot. 
Welcome home, the air conditioning was not working.
The intake was blocked, so the unit froze up. :(
Darn Cottonwood tree.

So, that had to be dealt with.
But, we are cool again and all is well.

Then, it became time to deal with my parents mobile home.
Our wonderful renter was moving out of town, so it was time to clean it up and see if there is a way to sell it.
I am not wanting to be a landlord and everyone in the family has their own place.

A piece of advice.
Don't sell things like mobile homes yourself.
Get help from folks who know what they are doing.
I thought the mobile home was worth a certain amount, and was willing to take less for it than it was worth.
Talking to the mobile home park, I was WAY off.
They are wanting to list it for $12,000 more than I thought, without anything being done to it.
They only take 10% commission, so that is worth having them sell it.
The extra funds will help us fix up DS's mobile home, tuition for DD and a short family vacation.
Plus, there is no hassle and the buyer has someone who can help them finance it.
DH has decided he would like to spruce it up before selling because he feels my folk's home deserves the uplift.
Power washing is going on.
What a different that makes to the look.
I always forget how dirty rain water really is

Kids and I are going through the shed to get all of the "stuff" sorted and to our homes or donated to a worthy cause.

There are things like replacing the blinds that took more time than I thought it should because the stores didn't have 12 blinds in stock - they seem to only carry 3-4 at each store.
Lots of running around, but we have new blinds. Yeah!

Getting utilities in our name was interesting too, since I'd not had them in my name before.
But, I got it straightened out and we have power and water (which is important for the power washing).

Nothing difficult inside the mobile home to be done, but it is emotionally and physically tiring to be working on your parent's place, knowing they are both in heaven and not with you.
Sure do miss you both.

So, much of my energy level is drained because of the heat and running around.
I'm so amazed at DH being able to stay out in the heat working on power washing.
I'd not be able to accomplish that at all.

All that being said, thanks for listening.
The emotional part of healing is talking about them.

I've only been able to cut a few things out to be ready to sew when I can.

I've loaded a quilt that I might be able to quilt this weekend.
I have a few other things to work on that need to be done.
I'm hoping I can find some me time and get my postcards finished and mailed out.

I have so many postcards.
 These are either my birthday ones or ones that were here when we arrived home.
I just love looking at this when I'm on the computer.
I love making them because they give me immediate gratification.
Two swaps to work on soon - self portrait and HST.

Hope you are having a sew happy day.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a bittersweet experience to be getting the mobile home ready to sell. All those memories. I hope you continue to do the work at a pace that feels right to you!
