
Monday, May 14, 2018

Motivational Monday

7 - 13 May 2018

1. Keep unstitching bad stitching on CIL
Still working on it.
It's hard to see, so.....

2. Keep working on studio to be vacation ready
Cleaned out from under the sewing machine
It was really dusty.

3. Post Cards

a. Blue Work
Don't need these right now, so I'll wait until I return home.

b. Birthday (June)
Both at done. 
Don't have a photo
c. Hot Glue
d. Song Birds
e. Angels

4. Organization Challenge - Clean out under sewing machine.

Found a bag of electronics.
I have to admit that I have no idea what to do with it, so it is going to DS to figure out.
It's out of my studio, and that is a good thing.

I emptied a big bag of items that needed filing.
All is filed that I have found.
I found two beautiful fabric postcards.
Apparently they were lost and I didn't even know it. :(
I have got to do better with this.
I also found old photos that I need to scan and post to Facebook to see if any family can tell me who they are.
I found my essential oil course and hope to work on that on the trip when we are having down time.
Of course, I'm going to be trimming up HST during that time too and that is my priority, but you can only do so much at a time. 

6. Keep preparing for vacation
Started the suitcase packing and refining the packing list.
We are completely packed with what we can.
Waiting on DS to get here with his stuff and the last minute things.

7. Quilt Lana's table topper.

14 - 20 May 2018

1. Keep working on studio to be vacation ready

2. Finish testing TQPM pattern


4. Keep preparing for vacation

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