
Monday, May 7, 2018

Motivational Monday

30 April - 6 May 2018

1. Unstitch bad stitching on CIL
Started this, but it  not easy to unstitch, so it will take some time.

2. Keep working on studio
Found some leftover scraps :(
Put them away.

3. Post Cards
a. Under Tulle
b. April Showers & College students
c. Hot Glue

d. Birthday

Every Stamp Tells a Story

4. Organization Challenge - clean out under my desk
The mess before, with the hole punches moved. 
why do I need 4 hole punches?
The small white one is a Franklin Time Management hole punch
A two hole punch.
The big gray one is my Dad's and I don't want to get rid of it.
The black one works well.
So, I suppose I will keep them all. 
All vacuumed and organized.
A few things found new homes, but all the dust is out of there and the cords are in the back.
So, maybe it will be better.
The cords on the green container are for the mouse.

5. Re-trace on background fabric and fuse states to the Map Quilt
I wish I had not used those light fabrics
I'm goign to look at it for a bit and see if I want to change them out.
I need this done this week.
I ended up change Oregon, but left the others.
Now the two borders are going on and then quilting with organic lines

Lots of fun things I forgot to take a photo of.
I found a set of yoyos that I can use in my bag I always have in the car.
After cleaning out from under the desk, I decided to do a bag that had lots of miscellaneous stuff that didn't belong  in the studio.

7. Start preparing for vacation
Have the travel notebook together with all the reservations, etc.
That helps with the planning.
I need to get the expenses spreadsheet put together so we know what we are spending.
I've pulled things like my bathing suit and stuff I won't be using for the next 10 days.
Yes, I'm an early packer and I need to go through the standard stuff so we don't bring anything we don't need.
I have an idea of things I'm bringing with me.
I think the smaller items I have with me I can do things like bindings.

7 - 13 May 2018

1. Keep unstitching bad stitching on CIL

2. Keep working on studio to be vacation ready

3. Post Cards
a. Blue Work
b. Birthday (June)
c. Hot Glue
d. Song Birds
e. Angels

4. Organization Challenge - Clean out under sewing machine.


6. Keep preparing for vacation

7. Quilt Lana's table topper.

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