
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Home Sweet Home

Well, we are home early.
Alberto was going to drop too much rain for the rest of our vacation, so we came home early.
DS met us to unload the car, so it was great to be home.

A/C was not working properly. :I
But, they came out and it is cooling some, but not like it should.
They will come back on Wed for a full tune up and cleaning of the unit.

I did't even get the vacation stuff put away because it got so hot inside.
Maybe today.
It was too hot to move much, so not much sewing done either, but I did cut some star blocks and will get them started when I do get to my studio.

Computer decided it would not work.
Yikes, that is not what I wanted to happen.

I didn't eat right yesterday because of the frustrations, so I paid for it in the evening.
Woke up in the middle of the night, so I'm up for awhile.
We will see for how long.

Glad to be home and maybe I'll finish something before the end of the month.


  1. Sorry the vacation ended up being flooded out. Hope you had fun while you were there. Hope they get the AC running well today. No AC in summer is just miserable!

  2. Well that's a frustrating welcome home. Sorry you had to cut your trip short, but better that than stuck in bad weather.
