
Monday, April 2, 2018

State of the stash

It's a tradition on Stashbusters to report on the state of your stash in your birth month.
Well April is here and I still have a stash.

Yes, it is decreasing yearly.
2006 -12.53
  2007 -176.00
  2008 -155.81
2009 -54.81
  2010 -109.15
  2011 -195.01
  2012 -223.52
2013 -97.92
  2014 -204.19
  2015 -355.12
  2016 -226.09
  2017 -217.13
  2018 - 116.91 so far this year.
That's 2141.19 net yards over the last 12 years.
I don't see much change in my stash, except my shelves are fuller.
I don't have any noticeable holes in my cabinets.
I am thinking I should organize it different, but that takes away from the sewing.
I think I have more than what I've used, so I have at least 12 more years of sewing to do. LOL
That will make me 74, and I hope and pray I'm still sewing then.

So, I'm working away at my stash, but because the UFO projects are the ones I am working on mostly, it seems that the stash is continuing to grow.
My UFOs are in one place, unless it is the month to work on them.
I'd like to have this so there is more room to maneuver the items around.

I've also been working on using the fabric from the scrap drawers, so that helps to reduce it there, but not in my cabinet.

I'm very blessed with what I have to work with.

My first place to look is in my stash.

I have a US map quilt to work on and I am using my brown scrap drawer to do the majority of it.
I found a background that will work in my stash too.
Will that make a dent in my scraps?
Probably not, but it is fun using them.

I continually look for things that will use my scraps.
I made 4 of these Irish Star quilts from leftover blocks from a queen sized one.

 But, my scraps are still full

I've joined in on some challenges in hopes it would motivate me to continue to finish things.

The beginning of the year has been difficult to keep doing things, but I think I'm on a roll now.
I'll be taking a vacation in May and will need to get some hand projects ready for the long trip.
If I plan ahead, I can still have a finish while I'm gone.


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