
Monday, April 9, 2018

Motivational Monday

2-8 April 2018

1.  Bind Fall Quilt

2. Keep working on studio - put away bin of fabric, again.
Before                                                  After

Scraps                                              yardage

There were a lot of leftovers in that bin.
I put away some of the scraps and batting pieces before I took the photo.
It would be good to learn to tackle this after each project. (Sure)
Everything is now put away and I can start filling it again. 

3. Work on T-shirt quilt.
Answer to my problem was one quilt 

and many pillows.

4. Organization Challenge
Flat surfaces still need more help.
My embroidery space is bare. :(
It's amazing how much more open that space is when the machine is gone.
I still need to figure out how to reduce the clutter to the right of my sewing machine.
Maybe now is the time to replace the non-slip under the machine.
The space on my cutting table is a mess.
I had it cleaned, but with all the projects, I have fabric all over it.
The plate for ruler work is there until I find it a home.

pressing table is a mess with current projects.
You need a paper scissor for the steam a seam and you need good scissors for the fabric.
The thread is going to be used on the big T-shirt quilt.

5. Postcards - blue Moon
I forgot I needed to do Batik Beauty too, so another set of postcards.

I worked on a the closet boxes in the extra bedroom
These had all the Girl Scout craft items in it and I have a troop to donate to.
I have 3 boxes/bags to donate to them and found some fun items I'm keeping.
Two crates and two bags going to another troop.

7. Start tracing the Map Quilt
50 out of 50 states have been fused.
They are ready to be cut apart.
I just realized I traced them without mirror imaging them.:(
I have to do this again.

9 - 15 April 2018

1. Quilt CIL

2. Keep working on studio

3. Under Tulle Post Card

4. Organization Challenge
I think I'll work on my desk, the cutting table and the pressing table.

Flat surfaces still need more help.
I'm not sure if this one will every be complete.

5. Quilt T-shirt quilt


7. Re-trace on background fabric and fuse states to the Map Quilt

8. Continue to work on Clemens T-shirt quilt


  1. Wow, you got a lot accomplished! That empty bin is impressive.

  2. You got a lot done. Don't loose sight of that even though you have more to do. Good luck this week on all your objectives.
