
Monday, April 30, 2018

Motivational Monday

23-29 April 2018

1. un-stitch bad stitching on CIL
I was coughing too much to try this.

2. Keep working on studio
I worked on going through one drawer, but it didn't change much.

3. Post Cards

a. Under Tulle

b. April Showers
They are stitched out, but not yet put together.

c. Hot Glue

d. Birthday
One Birthday card was sent out, but I forgot to get a photo.

e. Tassel
I finished 3 of the "Tassel is work the Hassle" cards, now 2 more to go

4. Organization Challenge
Dusted a little, until the coughing started.

5. Bind T-shirt quilt
I need to get the label on it and finish the binding around the label.

Another strange box of mixed stuff.
Found more cream rinse - why?
Found more receipts to go through.

7. Re-trace on background fabric and fuse states to the Map Quilt
Making progress, and the western states are easier, but I hope I have enough steam a seam to finish the project.

8. Get Clemens T-shirt quilt to top stage or more

30 April - 6 May 2018

1. Unstitch bad stitching on CIL

2. Keep working on studio

3. Post Cards
a. Under Tulle
b. April Showers
c. Hot Glue
d. Birthday

4. Organization Challenge - clean out under my desk

5. Re-trace on background fabric and fuse states to the Map Quilt


7. Start preparing for vacation

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