
Monday, April 23, 2018

Motivational Monday

16 - 22 April 2018

1. Bind CIL
It is bound, but I found some quilting that the machine was crazy, so I need to take out some of the stitching and re-quilt part of it.

2. Keep working on studio

3. Under Tulle Post Card

4. Organization Challenge

5. Quilt T-shirt quilt
It is quilted

Tell me why I had a box that had crocheted gifts in it, marking pens for a quilt top, shampoo, leftover fabric and paperwork?
Anyway, they are all in their places and I can find something else.

7. Re-trace on background fabric and fuse states to the Map Quilt
As you can see, I've done a little bit more, but really need to work on this one.
I have not been feeling well, and been to the doctor twice in one weekend. 
Not a fun time.
Today is mostly to sleep it off.

8. Continue to work on Clemens T-shirt quilt
I almost have all the columns sewn together.
I need to get the top done.

Bad week. I have bronchitis and didn't know what it was until late Friday.
I was exhausted and got very little accomplished this week.

23-29 April 2018

1. un-stitch bad stitching on CIL

2. Keep working on studio

3. Post Cards
a. Under Tulle
b. April Showers
c. Hot Glue
d. Birthday

4. Organization Challenge

5. Bind T-shirt quilt


7. Re-trace on background fabric and fuse states to the Map Quilt

8. Get Clemens T-shirt quilt to top stage or more

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