
Monday, April 2, 2018

Design Wall Monday

The design wall with the T-shirts is on hold.
The design is too large and heavy, so waiting on Lisa to let me know what she wants to do.
The hummingbird blocks are one of my UFOs for April
The Irish stars blocks are for 2 pillow shams. 
New project for DD's history teacher.
I need to track the states onto fusible. 
Next T-shirt quilt will be easier.
Basic with 12 blocks.
I'll start fusing the shirts today.

I'm also quilting a QOV.
My plan is to do a QOV then a CIL then a QOV.....
Linking to Design Wall Monday.


  1. Wow, you have been busy. I am interested in the States of the USA project, and look forward to seeing more of it in the future. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Mondays, you inspire me, Judy

  2. Thank you for your inspiration you gave us on Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi
