
Monday, March 19, 2018

Motivational Monday

11 - 18 March

I finally got rid of my Franklin Time Management binders.
Some paperwork from 2004 and some from 2009.
It's time to remove them from around my desk.
I use my phone more for my calendar and notes go with the organization I'm working with.
Yes, I still have some items on the floor by my desk.
The one container with the clipboards have things I'm working on.
One day I'll finish all those tasks and will be able to remove that box.
One item is a trash can.
That will stay there.
The one on the far right is Mom's stuff and I hope to be able to file it next week.
The photo frame needs photos added to a SD card.
I just don't seem to get around to that.

2. Keep working on studio
Dusted my fan this week.
You forget how messy sewing is with 3 machines running.
DD used to do it for me once a month when she was home consistently.

3. Continue shadowing for T-shirts
Still working, only a few more and the measuring to figure out which ones go together.

4. Organization Challenge
Work on the flat surfaces around the room
I think I made a bigger mess.

5. Quilt Irish stars - green
Quilted and bound
So, I quilted the green one and decided to just do the other two.
I still have one small one to do for me.

6. Quilt Irish stars - purple

7. Quilt Lana's quilt
Quilted and delivered

8. Quilt Sandy's Quilt

19-25 March


2. Keep working on studio

3. Continue shadowing for T-shirts

4. Organization Challenge
Flat surfaces need more help.

5. Postcards

6. Quilt Fiesta Quilt

7. Quilt Marilyn's Quilt

8. Quilt a QOV

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