
Monday, March 5, 2018

Motivational Monday

25 February - 3 March 2018

Started on a green bag. 
Didn't finish it because it was lots of my Mom's stuff.
i now have 2 hats on my long arm and a butterfly dangle thing.
I also have some socks for a friend and some for me.
I have her bible and some jewelry too.
I had to stop for now.
I imagine I'll work on this one next week too.

2. Keep working on studio
Put away all the pulled fabrics.
They all got put away and it feel good to have space again.

3. Continue shadowing for T-shirts

Still more to go.
 I didn't really sew much this week where I had straight seams.

4. Organization Challenge
I cleaned up the floors and vacuumed.  
I had a friend coming over that I wanted to make sure all my threads were out of her way.

5. Quilt QOV #19 & 20
Did not touch.

TQPM Test Quilt
Need to find a back and it is being stubborn about being found.
It needs to come from the stash and not buying.

4 - 10 March


2. Keep working on studio

3. Continue shadowing for T-shirts

4. Organization Challenge
Fabric postcards organized

5. Quilt QOV #19

6. Find backing for
TQPM Test Quilt

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