
Saturday, January 13, 2018

Organizing thread

I chose to work on my sewing threads this week
I had hoped to just reorganize them, but they were a tangled mess, so I had to take them all out.
My thirty-one tote worked well for this task. 
Here they all are color coded. 
I do think I have a thread problem.
I'll be looking for the smallest amount of thread on a spool to use when I need these.
I don't sew with them much, so they don't go away very quickly.
I don't think I need to buy any thread for this task.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mel I sew full time doing clothing alterations.....anyways I put my thread in lg ziplock bags by color if I have a matching bobbin then I attach with pipe cleaner it is easier pulling a bag of Blues then sorting through a whole drawer of colors
