
Friday, January 19, 2018

My Hands Hurt

Ok, so I started working on the table runner and almost got it done before arriving to see DD.
Then, I worked on it while DD and I worked on her resume.
It's Done.
This is my Fall leftover blocks from Gypsy Wife.
Not exactly a beautiful table runner, but I can see using it in Spring time.
This was my APQ (All People Quilt) UFO for January.
Done & off my list!
That's a win win for me.

Then the big quilt 87 x 86.
I worked on the binding with DD and then when she went to a meeting and DH had not come back from Cabela's. 
I continued to work on it on the ride home.
I then sat down and watched TV with DH and finished it.
My hands are killing me. :(
I know better than to do this much in one day, but you know how it goes.
But, that is two UFOs done and that is a GREAT feeling.
Oh, all of these were done with scraps or stash.

This morning I sorted more of my blue scraps and working on Imperfect Squares and the T-shirt quilt.

Those will be top priority for tomorrow and Sunday.

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