
Sunday, January 28, 2018

Motivational Monday

22--28 January 2018

Did another paper box.
All filed or trashed.

2. Keep working on the studio
Continue to work on the flat surfaces

3. Continue shadowing for T-shirts

4. Organization Challenge
Continue with the blue fabric drawers
This one still needs to be done.
Probably won't finish by Wednesday, but that is OK.

5. Quilt Imperfect Squares

6. Work on Alphabet quilt
Snowball the corners
Didn't really get very far, but I have the fabrics needed and did the A block.
I also cut out the extra alphabet panel pieces for the corners -- both son and daughter thought that would work better than stars of the alphabet fabrics.

7. Finish Flower pincushions

29 January - 3 February 2018


2. Keep working on the studio
Clear and clean cutting table and pressing table.

3. Continue shadowing for T-shirts

4. Organization Challenge
Continue with the blue fabric drawers.
Start on the new color for February

5. Quilt Imperfect Squares

6. Work on Alphabet quilt
Snowball the corners

7. Start on Test quilt

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