
Monday, January 1, 2018

Motivational Monday

25- 31 December 2017

1. Clean up Studio to start year off right
Not done completely, but it is better than before. 
I'll keep at it.

2. Bread & Butter mini quilts (2)
Put these away because I had no time to work on them.
I might use the stars as leader/ender, but will decide for next year.

3. Mending done
Didn't even look at this.

Finished two WITB
Mostly paper and Christmas Clean up

1 -7 January 2018


2. Keep working on the studio

3. Sew together the smaller Irish Stars quilt

4. Sew together the smaller Irish Stars quilt

5. Sew together the smaller Irish Stars quilt

6. Stabilize the T-shirts


  1. hey I got my irish star quilt top done... Full sixed

  2. I was a little confused as to whether cleaning and sewing are both included in the weekly to do list (not sure what it's called) but you answered my question in your post. Could you tell me what WITB is? Forgive me if this is a dumb question. Thank you. ~ Carol S.
