
Monday, January 15, 2018

Design wall Monday

I don't seem to get the notifications for Design Wall Monday anymore.
I have two UFOs on this wall.
I need to sash the one on the right and need to figure out the right fabric for the table runner. 
T-shirt quilt is stabilized and I'm playing with the design elements.
Need to start framing them.


  1. I’ve never done a T shirt quilt before. I hope you share your process! Enjoy your projects, they’re looking great

  2. Hi Meloney,
    Sorry you are not getting the notices for Design Wall Monday anymore. Perhaps you could go to my blog ( and sign up for email notifications. I try to post every Monday morning. It may be something with the switch from Judy Laquidara's blog to my blog (I'm Judy Hansen). I don't know. But let me know if you are still having problems. You have design wall heaven! How many do you have?
