
Sunday, December 17, 2017

Stash Report

quilt paint create links to all our stash reports
Used this Week:                                             15.55 yards
Used year to Date:                                       184.70 yards
Total out of stash this Month (December)      25.07 yards
Added this Week:                                             0.00 yards
Added Year to Date:                                        63.00 yards
Goal:                                                             200.00 yards
Yards to goal:                                                  15.30 yards

Net Used in quilts 2017:                                 240.54 yards 
A couple of other fun facts are:

Prairie Moon is doing a 350 blocks challenge this year:
Number of equivalent blocks:                    1300
Perimeter in inches                                  112258
Number of UFOs finished this year:              48
UFO Yardage Used                                161.69
Amount of yardage used in UFOs              67%
Number of Spools Used this week            0
Number of Spools Used this year            14

I was a productive week, even with a minor health issue happening.
I finished a big quilt and some smaller projects.
I doubt I will use 15 yards the remaining part of the year, but it could happen.
If not, I'm OK with it.
I think I need to watch my buying in the coming year.
I bought backing fabrics most of the year, but had a few extra buys.
When I look at the UFO vs New start ratio, I think I'm doing OK.
I would like to see if I could finish a few more UFOs next year and get to the double digits.
If you haven't see the big finish, here it is:
it has been delivered and I'm happy to report that I have another one I could make.
But, I think they are going to be made into two smaller quilts.


  1. Good numbers for the year, even if you don't make your goal.

  2. You did fantastic on finishing UFOs this year. Congratulations!

  3. Wonderful stash report. You are so close to your goal for the year!
