
Saturday, November 11, 2017


The week has been packing and cleaning.
Finished this table runner on the way to the game today.
We lost.
I'll quilt it when I return home.
I need to pull the one just like it and see how close I can get to the quilting of it. 
cutting table is cleaned off.

Made these pincushions on the way to the game. 
Need the center of both of them.
Will wait until I come home. 
My basket that I put pieces in as I'm working is cleaned out.
Everything put away, until I started to fill it again. :) 
Loaded Lana's quilt.
Not a very good photo.
Have one pass done.
I doubt it gets done before we leave in the morning, but it is started and that is a good thing. 
Pressing table is cleaned off. 
Underneath is organized.
Yes, it really is.
The bags are Quilts of Valor waiting to be quilted.
The blue one is done already.

No, the room is not the way I would like 100%, but it is better to come back to this than the way it was.
It's time to go through my magazines and books again.

I also need to figure out how to organize and store the jewelry making beads and miscellaneous stuff.

I'll be quilting away while we are gone.
I don't know that I'll actually finish much of anything, but....I will be getting closer to some of those big finishes.

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