
Saturday, September 23, 2017

Whoop Whoop

Confessions of a Fabric Addict Does a Whoop Whoop Post on Fridays.
I missed it on Friday, but here goes.

I've not quilted anything because I don't want to sew batting together.
I want to, but I don't want to stop and do it.
So, I started working on my Spring Jelly Roll, which happens to include the art from Special Reach last year.
I'll put this together into a small quilt and they will auction it off at their event.

I did get another row sewn on the baby clothing quilt.
It is cute, but I have a mental issue with this quilt.
It is big and heavy.
It takes abut 20 minutes to pin all the seams before sewing.
But, I'm making progress.

I'm also making a small bag for the the Elm Street Bag It Challenge.
I'm making a pencil case for my DD.

I really need to finish off postcards, which would mean I'd change the foot and be able to get to sewing batting together.

1 comment:

  1. If you use up all your batting pieces for those postcards, you won't have to sew them together for you quilt, you could just buy new batting. I'm just sayin'.
